Thursday, June 30, 2011

Child Care: How To Handle Parent-Child Separation Anxiety

You know you have to do and still feel miserable and sometimes guilty for leaving her baby in child care. It is likely to be crying all the way to work, especially when he cries every time she goes. Your child will feel the tension you feel the separation and, interestingly, the caregiver also feels a certain amount of stress. We will discuss here the ways you can manage stress and help your child adjust to the new routine.

There could be several reasons why your son finds it difficult to cope with separation. The most common fear is being abandoned. You may also feel anxiety while you fall. In some cases, the Day Center may not be able to provide a program of activities right in tune with his temperament and interests. Furthermore, he does not like the food is always there, or the large number of children and teachers can be a bit too much for him to handle. There are, of course, the possibility of more serious child abuse is hard to find since you can not trust you. But if you feel it is unnatural fear of being at the center, or cries more than usual, one should not rule out abuse.

It usually takes a child a month to adjust to their new situation. Therefore, do not be alarmed if your child persists in crying as soon adapt once you realize that you will be back to pick it up. Some children do not cry at first, can even begin to mourn after a week, month, or even a year! Remember that it is a natural reaction to change and the inability to control circumstances.

Here are some tips on how you and your child can cope with child care. If the intention is that it opens up the childcare would be a good idea to take him with you to the Center. You may be exposed to a new environment and that is something very exciting to look forward. Stay there for at least a couple of hours so you can see the children participating in activities and games. Also present to their potential caregivers so that when children begin to care, it will not feel you are giving to strangers. This may reassure the child as well as you can see how caregivers interact with children.

When they finally start to leave your child at the center, trying to ease into the routine slowly by leaving it there for just one hour the first day, followed by a couple of hours in the next, and so, gradually increasing hours at a time. Make sure you say your byes and leave immediately. If he cries for separation, not to prolong your departure or too comforting to enjoy it. You might be able to leave the comforting to the caregiver, thus facilitating their accession. Commenting on the progress of your child in the Child Care Center, always use words of encouragement and never sound negative or anxiety that children easily pick up on their parents emotions and react accordingly.

Be sure to keep a strict timetable for both drop and pick up. As each passing day, your child will get a guarantee that his father will be there to take them home at one time. This will help you relax and enjoy the activities and even make new friends. Sometimes, making him take his favorite toy, blanket, etc, will give the child a sense of security and comfort.

There are cases where your child may be stressed at the Center because it is under the care of caregivers who are stressed. A primary caregiver is essential for your child is an infant or toddler. This helps the child because it is easier to bond with only one or two new people and a lot of strange adults. Request regular meetings with management and caregivers for a report on the activities of his son. How long does it take to stop mourn after they are gone? Are they able to distract him and make him participate in other activities? Are you making new friends or is removed?

Although care can not replace the warmth, love and all the attention he receives at home may be beneficial for your child, giving access to various expensive toys for education, interaction with children his age, outdoor activities free, etc., that may not be possible at home. With the right approach and planning, child care can work well for you and your precious baby.;u=2584;u=41457

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